




CODE BLUE is an international conference that provides cutting-edge lectures by world-class information security experts and opportunities for information exchange and interaction that transcend national and linguistic boundaries.

In addition to inviting prominent researchers from Europe and America to share their latest results, we will discover outstanding researchers from Japan and other Asian countries and disseminate their research results to the world.
The word CODE BLUE, which is used in the medical world, means occurrence of an emergency'' or convening of relevant personnel.” In the world of the Internet, the importance of security measures is increasing as we enter the era of IoT (Internet of Things), and there is a need for a place where researchers from all over the world can gather to think together about how to deal with the situation and find solutions. It is said that

CODE BLUE also focuses on efforts to foster the next generation, such as by awarding scholarships to outstanding young researchers and providing opportunities for student staff to attend lectures. The CBNOC (CODE BLUE Network Operation Center*), which was organized by volunteer network engineers, has also been actively providing opportunities to accumulate technology and know-how, such as accepting student staff. As a result of promoting the creation of networks between students, companies, industry organizations, and even students themselves, in recent years some students have found employment in the cybersecurity industry, and some have even appeared as speakers, fostering the next generation. Our efforts are showing results.

CODE BLUE aims to be a place for the formation of an international community, and uses CODE (technology) to connect people across BLUE (sea), contributing to the creation of a better Internet world.

Greetings from the CODE BLUE Executive Committee Chairman

Hiroaki Kikuchi<span class='block md:text-pc-sans text-sp-sans-sm'>CODE BLUE Executive Committee Chairman Professor of Advanced Media Science, Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University</span> の写真

Hiroaki KikuchiCODE BLUE Executive Committee Chairman Professor of Advanced Media Science, Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University

Along with the promotion of digital transformation, cyberspace has become a public space where all entities participate. On the other hand, new challenges are emerging, such as security issues reflecting geopolitical tensions and trust in supply chains. Despite this, there is a serious shortage of security personnel in Japan, and there is a need to develop human resources who can play an active role globally and lead a strong and vibrant world.

Against this backdrop, “CODE BLUE” was held in Tokyo in 2014 as a vendor-neutral international conference on information security that brought together world-class experts. It is recognized worldwide as a place to report the latest vulnerabilities, present new research results from engineers, and have serious discussions, and has fostered a space for security experts to interact.

At this conference, we are broadly soliciting innovative research presentations that are full of originality and ingenuity related to information security, regardless of the field.
I sincerely look forward to the activities of this conference not only connecting Japan and overseas, but also connecting industry and academia in the future and producing world-class information security personnel who can play an active role globally. We are doing so.

CODE BLUE Executive Committee

  • Executive committee chairperson

    Hiroaki Kikuchi

    Professor of Advanced Media Science, Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University

  • Executive committee member

    Yu Arai

    NTT Data Co., Ltd.

  • Yuji Ukai

    FFRI Security Co., Ltd.

  • Kazumasa Utayo

    JPCERT Coordination Center General Incorporated Association

  • Kana Shinoda

    BLUE Inc.

  • Ikuo Takahashi


  • Yoshinori Takesako

    SECCON first executive committee chairman

  • Yosuke Hasegawa

    Secure Sky Technology Co., Ltd. Director CTO

  • Mitsuhiko Maruyama

    PwC Consulting LLC Partner

  • Keigo Yamazaki

    LAC Co., Ltd. / Neurigen Security Co., Ltd.
    (in alphabetical order) (including observers)

Talks Overview

  • Name


  • Date

    November 18th (Tue) - November 19th (Wed), 2025

  • Event Format


  • Organizer

    CODE BLUE Executive Committee

  • Operation

    CODE BLUE Office

CODE BLUE operating company

  • Company Name

    BLUE Inc.

  • Representative Director

    Kana Shinoda

  • Establishment

    June 2012

  • address

    Resona Kudan Building 5F KS Floor, 1-5-6 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074

  • Description of business

    related to information security

    1. Event planning, development, management, and coordination
    2. Coverage and research of international conferences
    3. Coordination with overseas organizations, companies, and experts
    4. Article writing