

Review board

Review board

This is the review board for papers submitted for talks at CODE BLUE

Special Review board

Review Board

  • 新井 悠 の写真

    Yu Arai

    新井 悠

    Yu Arai is a malware analyst, and a researcher, working for NTT Data, a Japanese system integration company. He is working as Executive Security Analyst at his company. He is specializing in developing automated malware classifications by using machine learning. He also has a strong enough background in analyzing malware and vulnerability security research. He has over 19 years dedicated to the areas. He is a holder of the CISSP credential.

  • 竹迫 良範 の写真

    Yoshinori Takesako

    竹迫 良範

    He is the first chairman of SECCON, the largest CTF contest in Japan.
    He is also on Technical advisor, Mercari, Inc. Corporate executive officer, Recruit Technologies, Co., Ltd. Visiting professor, National Institute of Technology, Kochi College. Non-regular staff, IPA ICSCoE.Cooperative visiting researcher, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. OWASP Japan advisory board.

  • ヴィンチェンツォ・イオッツォ の写真

    Vincenzo Iozzo


    Vincenzo is the CEO and Co-Founder of IperLane, Inc. Prior to IperLane, Vincenzo was an Entrepreneur in Residence at Rakoku Holdings where he focused on Information Security and FinTech. In addition to his work at IperLane, Vincenzo is a Partner at the Italian business incubator iStarter SpA. Vincenzo’s specialised research in Mac OS X security, smartphone exploitation, and exploit payloads has been presented at information security talkss around the world including Black Hat, Microsoft BlueHat, Qualcomm Security Summit and TedX.
    Vincenzo serves as a committee member on the Black Hat Review Board and is a co-author of the “iOS Hacker’s Handbook” (Wiley, 2012). He is perhaps best known for his participation in Pwn2Own, where he co-wrote exploits for Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari that placed second in 2012. Vincenzo also collaborates with the World Economic Forum on their Cyber Resilience project.

  • 根岸 征史 の写真

    Masafumi Negishi

    根岸 征史

    Internet Initiative Japan Inc., Senior Engineer
    He worked for information technology and consulting company for years, focusing on security assessment and penetration testing. In 2003, He moved to IIJ Technology, leading their security businesses as a manager of security service division. He is working for Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ) as a member of CSIRT, conducting threat intelligence analysis. He is also an instructor of SANS training and a member of OWASP Japan Advisory Board.

  • ソンジン・ビースト・リー の写真

    SeungJin 'beist' Lee


    Beist has been a member of the IT security field since 2000. His first company was Cyber Research based in Seoul, South Korea and focused on pen-testing. He then got a Computer Engineering B.A. degree from Sejong University. He has won more than 10 Capture the Flag hacking contests in his country as well as passed DEFCON quals 6 times. He has run numerous security talks and hacking contests in Korea. Hunting bugs and exploiting them are his main interests. He is serving as the CISO at LINE+.

  • トーマス・ダーリエン(aka ハルバー・フレイク) の写真

    Thomas Dullien (aka Halvar Flake)

    トーマス・ダーリエン(aka ハルバー・フレイク)

    Thomas Dullien is a security researcher and ex-entrepreneur well-known for his contributions to the theory and practice of vulnerability development and software reverse engineering. While studying for his MSc in mathematics, his research on graph-based code similarity won the Horst-Goertz Prize in 2006 -then Germany's biggest privately financed research prize in the natural sciences.
    He commercialized this research in a company called zynamics which got acquired by Google, leading to him aborting his PhD studies. He has worked on topics from the very practical (turning security patches into attacks) and concrete (turning physics-induced DRAM bitflips into useful attacks) to the theoretical (attempting to clarify the theoretical foundations of exploitation). He currently works for Google Project Zero in Zurich.

  • イゴール・スコチンスキー の写真

    Igor Skochinsky


    Igor has over 20 years of reverse engineering experience, last 10 of which he used while working at Hex-Rays SA, the maker of the world-famous IDA disassembler and the de facto industry standard Hex-Rays decompiler. In his spare time he continues reverse engineering as a hobby, for example of Intel's Management Engine, about which he spoke at conferences such as Breakpoint, Recon Montreal, Chaos Communications Congress as well as the inaugural CODE BLUE 2013. He is also a moderator at the Reverse Engineering Stack Overflow Q&A site and /r/ReverseEngineering/ on Reddit.

  • カーステン・ノール の写真

    Karsten Nohl


    Karsten is a security mentor and researcher. He likes to test security assumptions in proprietary systems and typically breaks them. Karsten is the Chief Scientist at SRLabs in Berlin and Hong Kong where his professional work includes testing telcos for hacking issues.

  • 中島 明日香 の写真

    Asuka Nakajima

    中島 明日香

    Asuka Nakajima is a cyber security researcher and engineer based in Tokyo, Japan. With over a decade of experience in computer security, her expertise includes software security, reverse engineering, and cyber security research and development. She has presented at numerous security conferences and events, such as Black Hat USA/Europe/Asia Briefings, AsiaCCS, ROOTCON, AIS3, and PHDays, and serves on the Review Board for Black Hat USA and Asia.
    In addition, Asuka is the founder of CTF for GIRLS, the first infosec community for women in Japan, and also the author of the bestselling book "Cyber Attack" (Bluebacks, 2018). Currently, she works as a Senior Security Research Engineer at Elastic Security, focusing on endpoint security R&D.

  • 米内 貴志 の写真

    Takashi Yoneuchi

    米内 貴志

    Takashi Yoneuchi is the CTO of Flatt Security, a leading cybersecurity startup in Japan. His leadership, along with the expertise of over 20 well-versed engineers, has enabled hundreds of Japanese engineering teams to secure their applications while moving fast. He led Team Asia at the International Cybersecurity Challenge 2023 as Head Captain. He is also the author of “Web Browser Security” and other books, which have thousands of Japanese readers.

  • タイラー・ナイスワンダー の写真

    Tyler Nighswander


    Tyler Nighswander (aka tylerni7) is a computer security expert specializing in reverse engineering, fuzzing, cryptography, and blockchain. He has been a member of the Plaid Parliament of Pwning CTF team since 2009, with whom he has won DEFCON CTF 7 times. He is currently a researcher with Theori, working on all things security related. Tyler has been a speaker at numerous security conferences, including CODE BLUE.

  • 藤原 裕大 の写真

    Yudai Fujiwara

    藤原 裕大

    Yudai is a security researcher currently employed at Ricerca Security, Inc, following his graduation from Tokyo Institute of Technology.
    Renowned for his expertise in binary exploitation, he has developed exploits for a wide range of software, including browsers, kernels, and databases.
    Yudai has been involved in organizing hacking contests such as SECCON, BSides, and BlackHat. He is also known as a Capture The Flag (CTF) player.

  • エリ・ヘルナンデス の写真

    Erye Hernandez


    Erye is a Staff Security Engineer on Google's Threat Analysis Group where she leads a team which tracks and disrupts threats from government-backed threat actors originating from East Asia in order to protect Google and its users. Prior to Google, she worked on malware research and detection at Palo Alto Networks and FireEye. Erye received her Masters from CMU in Information Security (MSIS) and holds a Bachelors in Computer Science from George Mason University. She also played in lots of Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions with CMU's Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP). In her spare time, she enjoys baking and playing video games.

Special Review Board

Law & Policy

  • パトリック・オキーフ の写真

    Patrick O'Keeffe


    Patrick O’Keeffe is an international security and policy expert focusing on the multidisciplinary environment of aerospace, maritime, and cyber. In his function as the Managing Director of AMC Solutions and Non-Resident Fellow at the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK), Center for Asia-Pacific Strategy and Security, Patrick O’Keeffe is supporting various entities in the transformation of aerospace, maritime, and cyber strategies and policies. Until recently, Patrick O’Keeffe served as a German Navy Officer at the NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters (COE CSW), facilitated between NATO partners, UN bodies, academia and industry, and presented as guest speaker and opening keynote at several security talkss. An aerospace engineer specialized in astrodynamics and satellite operations and a former military aviator, Patrick O'Keeffe studied international law and economics, and publishes on maritime security and space capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • アンナ・マリア・オスラ の写真

    Dr Anna-Maria Osula


    Dr Anna-Maria Osula is a senior policy officer at Guardtime, a software security company that offers solutions for data governance and real-time detection and mitigation of cyberattacks based on blockchain technologies. She also works as a senior researcher at Tallinn University of Technology. Previously, she served as a legal researcher at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence, where her research areas included national cyber security strategies, international organizations, international criminal cooperation and law. During 2013-2015, she was the lead for the NATO CCD COE ‘Cyber Norms’ project and the co-editor of the book 'International Cyber Norms: Legal, Policy and Industry Perspectives'. She is the founder of the annual ICR workshop in Tallinn, Estonia. Anna-Maria has an LLM degree in IT law from Stockholm University and obtained her PhD in law from the University of Tartu.

  • 湯淺 墾道 の写真

    Harumichi Yuasa

    湯淺 墾道

    Prof. Harumichi Yuasa has been the Deputy President and Professor at Institute of Information Security since 2012. Previous academic positions include Vice President of Kyusyu Kokusai University, Professor in the Department of Law, Kyusyu Kokusai University and assignments as lecturer at Nagoya Syoka University and Keio University. His research is focusing on legal and political aspects of internet and information society including protecting privacy and personal information, administrative information handling and disclosure, regulation of cyber police and defense activities, internet election campaign and e-voting. Prof. Yuasa is also serving as Vice President of the Information Network Law Association.

  • 高橋 郁夫 の写真

    Ikuo Takahashi

    高橋 郁夫

    Lawyer (Bengoshi)/lecturer of Utsunomiya Univ. Faculty of Engineering/ president of KK IT Research Art.
    He was entrusted with research from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2012 & 2014, and from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2003, from IPA in 2000, 2008, and 2010. He has co-authored "Legal Practice Q & A of Digital Evidence", "Virtual Currency", "IT Security Cafe".

Cyber Crime

  • 福森 大喜 の写真

    Daiki Fukumori

    福森 大喜

    Daiki Fukumori is a director of the GMO Cybercrime Control Center and a five-times DEFCON CTF finalist from 2009.
    He has moved to Singapore and has been working for Interpol since 2014 as the world's first seconded staff from a private sector. His mission was to conduct international cybercrime investigation and provide capacity building for cybercrime investigators of Interpol's member countries. He was responsible for malware analysis in the Simda botnet takedown operation and forensic investigation in the Bangladesh heist case. He has provided training to international cybercrime investigation teams, including law enforcement agencies in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Ghana, and Kenya. In 2016 and 2021, he taught OSINT courses as a special lecturer at the Best of the Best (BoB), Korea.

  • フォイ・シャイバー の写真

    Foy Shiver


    Foy Shiver is Deputy Secretary-General of the APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group) and one of the founding trustees of APWG.EU, a European foundation headquartered in Barcelona. In 2004 Mr. Shiver assumed management of operations of the nascent non-profit Anti-Phishing Working Group. He has helped develop this organization into a global industry, law enforcement and research group dedicated to countering the growing threat of electronic crime. In 2005, Mr. Shiver accepted the appointment as Deputy Secretary-General of APWG for which he is charged with cultivating the membership base around research, education and policy issues to fight cybercrime and electronically mediated fraud. In this role Mr. Shiver has worked since 2006 to grow APWG’s eCrime Research Summit into an annual event that has published 200+ peer reviewed cybercrime research papers through IEEE. In that brief, he founded its scholarship program that is now funded, in large part, by the IEEE-SA. In 2013 Mr. Shiver worked with APWG and CaixaBank in Spain to found the new European Foundation APWG.EU. This foundation is harnessing resources focused on cybercrime research and education within the European Union and plays a leadership role in inspiring cybercrime research across the globe.

  • ブラッド・ワードマン の写真

    Brad Wardman


    Brad Wardman is the Head of Research & Intelligence at PayPal. Brad sits on the Board of Directors for the Anti-Phishing Working Group (or APWG) and serves as the general chairman of the Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime). Brad is deeply versed in detecting, tracking, and fighting cybercrime, with a publication record that has pioneered ground-breaking discussions on cybercrime detection and mitigation. Brad is an active inventor and researcher having 11 issued security patents to the US Patent Office, 15 additional patents pending, and is an author on 18 peer reviewed talks and journal publications. Brad received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) studying in the Computer Forensics Research Lab under mentor Gary Warner.

  • パット・ケイン の写真

    Pat Cain


    Patrick Cain is a Resident Research Fellow of the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), and the President of The Cooper-Cain Group, a Boston, Massachusetts, USA based Internet security consultancy. He has been involved in information security development and operations for over thirty years and drives the APWG’s data collection and sharing initiatives. He is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), a Certified Information System Manager (CISM), a member of the International Association of Privacy Professions, and an associate member of the American Bar Association. Mr. Cain led an effort in the IETF to standardize phishing and electronic crime reports (RFC 5901), participates in many data-sharing initiatives, served on a United Nations identity-related crimes experts panel and is an observer to the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) of the Council of Europe.

  • アナベル・ジャミスン・エドワード の写真

    Annabel Jamieson Edwards


    Annabel Jamieson Edwards leads the Human Factors security team for Accenture UKIA. She brings 12-years’+ experience across security advisory, cyber defence and threat intelligence. She has a professional passion for emphasising the importance of the human and behavioural aspects of cyber security and believes it is essential that they go hand-in-hand with the technical. A recognized contributor in the industry, Annabel has presented her research at international conferences and forums, including the Executive Women’s Forum, CODE BLUE, BSides and the European Space Agency. In her spare-time Annabel is an active campaigner for gender parity in the STEM field.