Time Table

[FutureVuls/dit Co., Ltd.]Vulnerability Management Against Cyber Attacks and Ransomware Threats: Lessons Learned from Incident Response on the Frontlines



▼Part 1
[BCP measures to be taken now/ideal and real pre-emptive measures]
we will explain in detail based on my many years of experience dealing with many cyber attacks. Are the introduction of EDR and NDR and backup measures real countermeasures? How effective are they? Is the investment cost-effective? Despite the recommended countermeasures being taken, security incidents in Japan have not stopped and they have not been able to be restored immediately… What are truly effective countermeasures? I will take a step further and talk about the actual situation and specific measures.
▼Part 2
[Effective countermeasures against ransomware and response to vulnerabilities]
We will explain the specific countermeasures that are considered to be the most effective vulnerability countermeasures based on the methods and trends of ransomware attacks. I will talk about which vulnerabilities are related to your company among the tens of thousands of vulnerabilities discovered every year, which of them require immediate response, and how to respond to those vulnerabilities, including specific response examples.

Kota Kanbe(神戸 康多) Author of Vuls, Future Corporation
Nobuhito Aoshima(青嶋 信仁) dit Co., Ltd. CTO

  • Location :

    • Track 2(HALL A)

  • Category :

    • OpenTalks

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